

Kurt Dubbe, AIA


Kurt是DMA的两个创始合伙人之一. He studied architecture and historic preservation at Virginia Tech and University of Minnesota. 除了住宅和室内设计, Kurt maintains a strong passion for historic preservation and community revitalization. He was a founding member and past chair of the Teton County Historic Preservation Board. He is currently on the Wyoming Review Board for National Register Nominations, 以及怀俄明州纪念碑和标志咨询委员会, and on the Board of Advisors for the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Kurt’s interests include spending time with his wife and family at their mountain cabin in northwestern Montana, 以及他们在怀俄明州中部南帕斯市附近的住所.

Chris Moulder -建筑师

Chris Moulder, AIA


Chris是DMA的另一位创始合伙人. 源自亨廷顿, 康涅狄格, he wanted to explore more of the United States and chose to pursue his architectural degree at Kansas State University, 特别强调乡土建筑. 毕业后, 克里斯(和他的妻子Jolene), (DMA的办公室经理)搬到了杰克逊, where he worked for other local firms before joining forces with Kurt Dubbe to form DMA. Chris is very involved in the community, having coached Little League and Babe Ruth baseball. He currently serves on the Rafter J Ranch Architectural Review Committee and is a past member of Teton County Parks & 娱乐委员会和杰克逊霍尔青少年棒球委员会. 他喜欢打垒球、飞钓和摄影.

了解更多关于Kurt和Chris的信息 在这篇专题文章中 《韦德注册平台》.




Mackenzie is originally from Washington and received both her Bachelors of Science and Master’s degrees in Architecture from Washington State University. 在来Dubbe Moulder之前, Mackenzie worked as an intern for the Western Center for Historic Preservation in Grand Teton National Park. She has a knack for graphic design, sketching, and building models. 麦肯齐喜欢住在杰克逊霍尔,因为她是一名狂热的徒步旅行者, 费雪, 皮划艇爱好者, 单板滑雪和北欧滑雪.




约翰来自伊利诺斯州南部的农业区. He earned his Associate of Applied Science in Architectural Technology at John A. 洛根大学, and a Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies at the Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. 高中毕业后, John served our country for seven years in the United States Army and the Illinois Army National Guard as an Artillery Forward Observer and a FIST Team Leader. Upon leaving the military life, John and his wife moved to the Jackson area. John is an avid shooter and hunter and enjoys shooting clay pigeons and hunting big game and waterfowl all over the world.


Ben Luigi Weisbeck


本来自阿提卡, 纽约, where he spent many years working as a carpenter for his father’s construction company before he went to college to study architecture. 他拥有阿尔弗雷德州立大学的建筑学学士学位. Ben is passionate about implementing new architectural practices with historic buildings as well as designing for the environment. 不工作时,他喜欢户外活动:野外滑雪, 徒步旅行, mountain biking and white water rafting are a few of his favorite pastimes.




出生在杜兰戈, 墨西哥,在特托尼亚长大, 从4岁开始在爱达荷州学习, Nery (pronounced net-TEE) has an Associate of Science in Drafting & 来自亚利桑那州凤凰城高科技研究所的CAD技术. 在过去的二十年里,她一直是一名起草人, coming from a family of hard working immigrants that have all inspired her, she applies their same work ethic and attention to detail to the field of drafting. The loves of her life are her two sons and her husband; together they enjoy camping, 钓鱼, 四轮, 雪地摩托和旅行.

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Ethan于2019年以建筑师实习生的身份加入DMA团队. He is DMA principal Chris Moulder’s son and attended Kansas State University where he received his Master’s in Architecture. 他很小的时候就受到父亲职业的启发. 他现在快要成为一名有执照的建筑师了, 六次考试中的第四次考试, 并打算明智地利用他在DMA的时间,尽可能地学习. 不工作时, 保持着孩提时代的热情, 伊森喜欢建造东西, 他喜欢各种各样的运动和户外活动.


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Atia刚刚加入DMA团队. 她出生在印度,在卡塔尔长大. She earned her Bachelors of Architecture from the Birla Institute of Technology in India and followed that with earning a two year Masters of Architecture degree from Kansas State University. 她的AutoCAD使用技能, Revit, 犀牛, 草图大师, 和V-ray, 以及Adobe Suite, 准备好开始她的职业生涯了吗. 她喜欢看电影,对语言也很有热情.

阅读我们的博客文章 她对我们问题的回答.




出生于惠约立班, 特拉斯卡拉, 墨西哥, 但在提顿谷地区长大, Andy’s first glimpse into the architectural world was through his first job as a concrete laborer. Working alongside his father he saw his first set of plans and knew that he wanted to become an architect. In his last semester to complete his Bachelors in Architecture at the University of Idaho, his goal is to help with designing for the environment through sustainable practices. 来自一个有两个弟弟妹妹的移民家庭, he feels being the oldest has always been tough as he wants to show his parents that their struggles paid off and be a role model for his younger siblings by showing them that anything is possible as long as you work for it. Currently married, he hopes to start a family sometime in the near future.




Evan completed her academic internship with DMA in 2021 and earned her Masters in Architecture at Kansas State University in May 2022. She was eager to return to the Jackson office and immediately jumped into several projects. Her passion for architecture is fueled by a combination of the love of art and dedication to service. 都是在堪萨斯出生长大的, Evan and her husband Matthew have enjoyed their new home in Star Valley.

你可以阅读 这里是我们问她的一系列问题的答案.



We’re very happy to have recently welcomed 克劳迪娅·拉莫斯 to our DMA team. 出生在秘鲁, Claudia earned her Bachelor of Architecture and Urbanism from Ricardo Palma University in Lima. 2019年毕业后, 她开始了她的建筑生涯, working on residential and commercial projects as well as in interior design. 在流感大流行期间,她搬到了杰克逊. 克劳迪娅的Autocad技能, ArchiCAD, 草图大师, 和V-ray, 以及Adobe Suite, 准备好让她成为DMA团队的一员了吗. 她是我们员工中极好的新成员!




Jolene是DMA的簿记员和办公室经理. 一个来自堪萨斯州的农场女孩,八个孩子中最小的一个, Jolene就读于堪萨斯州立大学, earning a Bachelor of Science in Liberal Arts and a Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education. She met Chris Moulder while attending KSU, and they moved to Jackson in January of 1989. 现在他们的孩子, 卢卡斯, 艾比和伊森, 生长, Jolene has shifted from involving herself in “kid organizations” to serving Shepherd of the Mountains Lutheran Church, volunteering with Hole Food Rescue and working as the coordinator of the Jackson Hole Community Blood Drives. 夏天的人, 她的空闲时间都用来远足了, 皮划艇, 划桨和钓鱼, 在冬天, 保暖,读好书.